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One Question with William Shatner, Seth Green and Will Friedle

Annette Dawm

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

During the pandemic, I have really missed going to Comic Cons. In place of that, I have been attending virtual ones on They host free, live Q&A sessions almost every weekend and fans can submit questions through a chat box. (This is the same website where that one girl went viral after making Brendan Fraser cry.) I have had some of my questions answered in the free events which I am about to share below. I am not sure if I am allowed to do that, but I figured since I only shared my question and not the whole livestream it should be okay. My apologies to Galaxy Con if it is not. I love your website so much and I don't want to cause any trouble.

I do know that I am allowed to share my video chat with Will Friedle and it's amazing. There were a couple of technical difficulties though. My camera froze at the beginning and if you look closely, you can see that the tech support person popped in for a second. I was able to crop that out later. I hope you enjoy! :)


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