March 17, 2021 - Red

1-3. Pieces from my grade 12 sketchbook (including the stars).
4. Flowers from a magazine.
5. A random lady.
I liked this one because it still had lots of green for St. Patrick's Day.
March 18, 2021 - Orange

March 19, 2021 - School Bus Yellow

1-2. Pieces of an envelope.
3-4. Junk Mail.
5-6. A sticker from Sticker Swaps and its backing. (They have recently started posting on Instagram again.)
7. The back cover of a book by Richard Scarry.
8. This is a mini collage in itself. I am only going to count it as one piece though because it was a piece of a folder. In public school, we made folders from grade 6-8 to keep our art in for the year and the teacher picked the theme of what could be on the front. In 2004-2005, our art teacher thought it would be a good idea to draw a hat with legs to represent ourselves. Yikes. I didn't like mine and decided to cover it in 2015. Then I recently re-found it and for the sake of this project, I decided to cut it up and keep my favourite parts.
Here are some photos from 2015 since you're going to see the remnants of the folder pop up a lot.

March 20, 2021 - Yellow

Clear sticker paper with a photo I edited from Pexels.
I ripped up a piece of brown scrapbook paper.
I also found a hunk of turquoise construction paper that I might have hoarded from high school. It honestly wasn't worth saving.
For the background, I had a letter about the 2016 census. I think I was excited to participate in a census haha. Anyway, it wasn't yellow enough so I painted it. It was a mistake to put these two pieces side by side in the book because the plastic sticks together.
March 21, 2021 - Light Green

This is another piece of the folder. I always liked the angle of the field. In 2015, when I was making this, I went to The Agri-Fair. They enabled me by giving me this bag to put pamphlets in.

March 22, 2021 - Dark Green

March 23, 2021 - Light Blue

1-4. This was from a page in my grade 12 sketchbook. The prompt was "bird". I did a collage with blue things and put tape on it to spell out "bluebird". I painted over it and peeled the tape off. This is obviously not the whole thing.
5. A page from a Lush catalogue.
6. A lady from a flyer.
7. I found a see-through envelope and glued it on top of the lady to make the image look faded.
I don't think these two collages are my best work by any means but the challenge is just to make/find something with a certain colour each day.
March 24, 2021 - Dark Blue

I couldn't throw Jimmy Fallon away!
March 25, 2021 - Purple

1-4. Pieces of my grade 12 sketchbook. (Most of my sketchbook was cringey and it had to be re-purposed haha.)
5. A tattoo paper transfer.
March 26, 2021 - Magenta

March 27, 2021 - Pink

This was part of a drawing/doodle I did in grade 12.
March 28, 2021 - Black

This was another thing I did with tape in grade 12. It said "Annette D." on it. I miss Chris Hyndman.
March 29, 2021 - White

March 30, 2021 - Grey/Silver

One night, I was watching American Idol and one of the band members was wearing a big hat in the dark. It looked kind of scary with the different coloured stage lights and it reminded me of a skull. I found a picture on Unsplash and then I Googled "Skull Filter", which made this face. I edited the photo to make it easier to colour/paint. I printed it on silver/metallic paper from Envelopes.com (you can get samples for $1). I used water colours, chalk and metallic markers.
March 31, 2021 - Brown

1-2. Part of a Dairy Queen bag.
3-4. Scrapbook paper.
A dog that I got from a Harvey's meal for kids a long time ago. (It came with stickers to change the outfits.)