On May 3, 2019 I went to see Moon Vs. Sun (Chantal Kreviazuk and Raine Maida) at Aeolian Hall. I bought the ticket months in advance and had to make sure it was okay to go because I had a lot of medical appointments around that time. Honestly, I probably would've cried if I missed this show. I cried at the show. I cry a lot.
Anyway, Chantal and Raine have been together for 23 years and I'm going to be 28, which means I have been listening to them both for most of my life. Our Lady Peace holds a pretty special place in my heart and Chantal is just so talented. So to see them sing each other's songs together plus their new music is mind-blowing. I have never seen Chantal before but this year, it will be nine years since I saw Our Lady Peace for the first time! I cried then too.... So, I decided to tell them about it and CHANTAL WROTE BACK! My 11/12 year old self could not handle this moment. I had asked if they were doing autographs after the show, (By the way, I got a new phone and I can send Instagram messages now. Oooh!)

So, I was sad not to meet them, but I was more sad that most of my photos did not turn out. I used three different cameras and mostly everything was blurry because it was dark and I was kind of far away, but damn it, I tried. Their opening act was Aphrose and unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of her that I was happy with. These are the photos I liked best (in chronological order). I hope you like them!