I just wanted to write a little note about Steve Martin and Martin Short's show at Centennial Hall on Oct. 19, 2018. I bought my ticket many months ago, and all I remember was that it was expensive. But not as expensive if I had bought a front row ticket which was hundreds of dollars and I just couldn't do that. So I think my ticket was in Row M, which is kind of far away, compared to where I usually sit in the front. So I had made a mental note for months now, "remember to wear your glasses!"
A week or two before the show, I got an email saying that the prices had been lowered. I’m guessing people weren’t buying the tickets in the front. I wondered if I would get some kind of refund and then quickly forgot about it. Then just a few minutes before I left for the show, Centennial Hall called me and my heart dropped. I thought they were going to say the show was cancelled, but actually they called to say my ticket was upgraded to the front row and I had to come exchange my ticket! I was so excited! Then I asked if I could take pictures and they said they hadn’t heard anything about not taking pictures. So I said that I would bring my camera and if they told me to put it away, I would.
When I got my camera out, I was told I was not really supposed to have it because of the detachable/professional lens, but if I was quick and took a couple of pictures without the flash on, that was okay. I waited until the end, in case there was an issue because if it was over, then they wouldn’t really ask me to leave. I snapped more than a couple, which was good because not a lot of the photos turned out without the flash on and nobody said anything. At the end, they sang "Send in the Clowns" together and paid tribute to their favourite comedians by sharing some of their favourite lines.

Then they said goodbye and went off stage. Soon, they came back and said there was a lawyer there who told them they were obligated to perform for five more minutes, so they sang a song about it.

Steve Martin had a fantastic band accompany him, The Steep Canyon Rangers. Yes, Steve played his banjo! The fiddle player was the best I'd ever seen! (Sorry, Tim Chaisson!)

You can see they had a timer on the screen! When it was finally all said and done, a clown finally came in.

I could tell you more about the show, but you really had to see it for yourself! (It was fantastic!) I live in the dark ages and don't have Netflix, but when I get a chance, I am going to look up Steve Martin and Martin Short's special and see if it's the same and relive some awesome memories! :)