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Forest City Comicon 2018

Annette Dawm

I loved Forest City Comicon this year even though I didn't get to look around as much as I would have liked. They had so many great guests back to back that I basically stayed in one room for the day. First, I got to see Carla Perez who played "Rita Repulsa" on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Then I saw Toopy and Binoo Live! At first I was like, "What the heck am I doing at a kids' puppet show?" But it was fascinating. Puppeteer, Frank Meschkuleit came in to set up a children's puppet theatre with a volunteer and a child asked if he was the voice of Toopy and he said, "No, I'm just the crew. I'm here to help and then Toopy and Binoo will be out later." I didn't know this was Frank at the time, so I fell for it too haha. He interacted with the kids and wrote down their names to incorporate them in the show. It was great! Frank did the entire show by himself! Later, I saw Frank speak about his career and how he met Jim Henson and Frank Oz! There were so many awesome stories! I also saw Matt Hill (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) who was filling in for Rob Paulsen (Animaniacs) and he had just as many cool stories. On top of that, a pizza was delivered during his panel! I also found some friends I met last year, Stefan and Justin. :) They are such nice people and I hope to see them again.


© 2025 By Annette Dawm

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