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One Question With... Episode 1 (Kip Moore and JoJo Mason)

Annette Dawm

I wanted to try something different for my blog on called "One Question With..." (OQW) My goal is to make each video 5 minutes or less and answer 2-3 questions with different people. In this episode, I chose to feature Kip Moore and JoJo Mason. Kip Moore inspired this video series because I didn't get to interview him, but he did answer one question that I had submitted. I thought there was a chance my question would get picked, so I had my voice recorder going.

Most of the interviews I have done in person have happened by chance. I took questions along with me to various events and if I got my courage up, I would ask if they had time to answer some questions for my blog. I saved all of the recordings of the people who have said yes. JoJo Mason was the first artist who agreed to be interviewed on the spot for His interview took place in Victoria Park in London, ON which is now the most common place I have done interviews. Who would have thought?

I have always wanted to do something with the recordings, and recently, I found a program called Doodly. You can check out my first Doodly video here. I love this animation program so much! While I'm still learning how it works and how to make it better by using it with other programs, I think it is great for "One Question With..." I like the idea of being able to hear the artist's voice, while also creating subtitles of their key points. It's more inclusive for the hearing impaired, but I also think it's more powerful to see the words on screen while the artist is talking. I have played Kip Moore's response many times, but when I saw the animation put together, I thought, "Wow, he has sacrificed a lot for his career", which I already knew, but it stuck with me more this time. I paired Kip's response with JoJo's because JoJo also mentioned some of struggles but turned it into a positive and that has always stuck with me.

I am hoping to make these OQW videos at least once a month. For the first while, I will be revisiting the old interviews, but time permitting, there will hopefully be more recording opportunities in the future. What I like about OQW is that hopefully more people will be willing to answer one question if they are short on time, rather than my standard 10 for an article. However, I will still be doing articles whenever there's a chance! Anyway, here is the first episode of "One Question With..." featuring country artists, Kip Moore and JoJo Mason! (PS shout out to the eight people who watched this on YouTube already, unless that was just me re-watching it. Haha!)

Have a great day!



© 2025 By Annette Dawm

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