First, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read my previous blog about my friend, Helen. I read all of your comments and took everything to heart. It was amazing to see how many people also knew and loved her, as well as the people who didn't know her but wanted to support me during this difficult time. I had posted earlier that I thought Eric Church had shared a previous blog of mine and even though I looked carefully before, I was mistaken and it was a fan site that had shared it, which is still cool but very disappointing at the same time. Here are some stories that I do hope come true in the next few weeks.
You may have noticed I haven't posted an interview in awhile. This is not to say that I haven't been trying to track down artists. I think when people think of my interviews, they imagine that I get to talk on the phone or meet with them one on one, which could happen some day, but for now, I email publicists asking for permission to interview their client(s). When I ask permission, I also include 10 questions in case they approve and say yes. Then through the magic of the internet, they pass the questions along and then send me the answers when they receive them back. So there is a lot of waiting with no guarantee that I will actually get to write the article I'm after (people are busy). That being said here are the artists I am waiting on to reply. If you follow any of them on social media, maybe you can give them a gentle nudge. ;)

1. Dean Brody: This one is most likely going to happen in about two weeks, as I am told Dean is away right now filming a music video and then going on vacation. (That might be top secret information, I don't know!)
2. Chad Brownlee: This one was a bit of a rigmarole since the contact person was away at the time and I was referred to another person who said they would pass on my questions. I am still waiting to hear back.

3. Jess Moskaluke: I sent her questions with Chad's since they have the same record company and contact people.

4. Casey James: Casey James was once an American Idol contestant and I recently backed his new album on Kickstarter. When I asked if I could interview him, the publicist didn't say yes or no, but that they would get back to me soon. I am not sure if this interview will come to fruition or not. Maybe I will just have to hold on. You'll know more when I do!